Patch 14 in testing phase & upcoming features

Patch 14 is nearly about finished. Some days of testing will check on the stability and if everything goes well, the patch will be released within the next days.

Additionally, I want to let you have a picture of what is going to change in Temple Arena with the upcoming patches 15 and 16.

  1. New Tutorial – Originally intended to be part of patch 14 but moved to patch 15, the new tutorial will help new players to find into the game. The reason for it not being content of patch 14 is, that there will be some major changes to the game mechanics, and it wouldn’t have made sense creating a tutorial for the mechanics of patch 14 when it’s certain that they’re going to change anyway.
  2. AI support and singleplayer mode – I’m currently working on a very intelligent AI system that will enable players to play TA in solo mode for training and fun. Solo mode will have achievements and xp gain deactivated though. Due to the problems with the current custom game system, it’s very difficult for new, interested players to find people for TA games. The AI will provide an opportunity to play Temple Arena and to get to know the map and its mechanics without having to look/wait for players.
  3. Changes to the mercenary and hero system – To make Temple Arena a unique map and to not let it resemble Marine Arena too much, I decided to change some major mechanics within the mercenary and hero system. More details to that later.
  4. New achievements, heroes and upgrades – Of course, the TA content is far from being complete. You can expect many more achievements, some new heroes and a lot more unique upgrades, similar to the Hellion/Marine/Stalker re-equip upgrades.
  5. Items – I will introduce special items to Temple Arena. I don’t mean something like equip for heroes or units, but rather temporary buffs for single units and/or heroes when being successful in combat. Those buffs will spawn as collectable items. There can be changes to this, though. I will have a look on how this system fits to the new game mechanics I mentioned above.

If you like Temple Arena and want to support the development, please apply as a BETA tester in our forums! All you have to do is to play this map from time to time and to report bugs/ideas etc. I’d be glad to hear from you :)

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