
I have an idea for a new hero. The Necromancer. I think he looks like a dark high templar. His power is in cursing his enemys and use some fire spells. He can have a swarm of zombies (infested civillians). The zombies are weak and have medium movement speed, dealing medium damage with a slow attackspeed.
Attack: dark bolts that deal damage in a line. You can evade them.
Ability 1(passive): whenever he kills an biological unit, a zombie will spawn.
Ability 2: Let the galaxy burn. The necromancer ignites an area with fire, dealing medium damage to units inside. More damage when the units are resting there. Additionaly the ability makes damage over time. 1 second in the fire = low dot. 2 seconds = medium damage. 3 seconds =high damage.
Ability 3: Curse (its the shadow-summoning ability of the summoner. The summoner gets a cloning ability, that cones units in a small area.)
Ability 4: Shadowbomb. Creates a big ball of dark energy (2 seconds castingtime) that deals high splash damage to all units inside.
Ability 5: Doombolts. Fires 5 doombolts at the target location. Doombolts deal medium damage in a medium area.
Ability 6: Meteor. after 5 seconds, a meteor will land at the targeted unit and kills it instantly. Drains all souls. Can´t be used on bosses
The necromancer don´t use energy. For every unit he kill, he gains souls up too an maximum of 100-250 (don´t know it yet)
Attack: dark bolts that deal damage in a line. You can evade them.
Ability 1(passive): whenever he kills an biological unit, a zombie will spawn.
Ability 2: Let the galaxy burn. The necromancer ignites an area with fire, dealing medium damage to units inside. More damage when the units are resting there. Additionaly the ability makes damage over time. 1 second in the fire = low dot. 2 seconds = medium damage. 3 seconds =high damage.
Ability 3: Curse (its the shadow-summoning ability of the summoner. The summoner gets a cloning ability, that cones units in a small area.)
Ability 4: Shadowbomb. Creates a big ball of dark energy (2 seconds castingtime) that deals high splash damage to all units inside.
Ability 5: Doombolts. Fires 5 doombolts at the target location. Doombolts deal medium damage in a medium area.
Ability 6: Meteor. after 5 seconds, a meteor will land at the targeted unit and kills it instantly. Drains all souls. Can´t be used on bosses
The necromancer don´t use energy. For every unit he kill, he gains souls up too an maximum of 100-250 (don´t know it yet)